06 October 2011


Hey there, weary internet travelers! Welcome to the blog.

This January, I leave on a semester study abroad trip to London, where I'll live, and will be visiting other countries in the EU.

I've been researching all the things your average Midwesterner would want to know about moving to an international, European metropolis: what to pack, where to visit, what to eat and not eat (ahem. haggis.), and how to dress without boldly declaring "Hey pickpockets and uppity waiters! Here's a frumpy American!" 'Cause, really, folks--I'm in college. London is a swanky place, and I refuse to be that tourist. You know, the one who goes everywhere in running shoes and sweatshirts while toting a colossal travel bag.

So, to get down to the heart of it all: I created Red Does London not only so you can keep up with me on my trip, but also as a one-stop resource for fellow travelers. This site will be a compilation of all the best information on crossing the Pond. I'll cover cultural issues, travel tips, sightseeing, and all sorts of vicarious fun for you!

I'll be posting helpful links in the side bar along with writing posts to go into detail. There will be book recommendations and, later, restaurant and museum tips, and we'll have a fantastic time! Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Enjoy!
